translated from Spanish: 8th Conference of Scientific Culture UNAB

8th Conference of Scientific Culture UNAB

From June 16 to December. 
Register here.

The Conference of Scientific Culture returns, an annual event that brings the news of science to the general public, organized by the Center for Science Communication (C3) of the U. Andrés Bello.
In this 8th version there will be virtual talks every three weeks until December, by specialists of national and international renown who will share their work and latest discoveries. Each session will be presented by the outstanding scientific communicator Gabriel León, molecular biologist and author of the book “Pandemic”.
These meetings take place at a particular juncture, since the pandemic made science and the people who develop it have a more visible place in daily life, as well as in the constituent process. Thus, under the slogan “Rethinking our future”, the exhibitors will analyze different challenges of the country and the world from now on, from their respective perspectives.
An event designed for the audience
The person in charge of opening this cycle of talks will be Miguel Pita, PhD in Genetics and Cell Biology, professor and researcher at the Autonomous University of Madrid. In addition to his numerous publications in various lines of research in the field of genetics, he is also a renowned scientific popularizer and author of the books “The dictator DNA” and “A day in the life of a virus. From DNA to pandemic.”
At the inaugural conference “A Day in the Life of a Virus. From DNA to pandemic,” Dr. Pita will give a step-by-step description of how a piece of DNA can put our society in check. Are viruses living beings? Are our antibodies as effective as we would like? Is an aggressive virus less dangerous than a contagious one? These are some of the questions he will address.
The event will continue with successive talks between June and December by a diverse group of exhibitors, including the Doctor in Aging and Mental Health Claudia Miranda, specialist in research on the care of people, and Daniel Jerez, Doctor in Biomedicine, who will show why physical activity and exercise are our allies in pandemic. Also, Eduardo Castro, PhD in Biological Sciences, will present on genomics and the real-time evolution of the coronavirus in Chile.
During the month of September, The Doctor of History María Gabriela Huidobro will analyze the challenges of education from a historical perspective, and Francisca Bronfman, Doctor of Medical Sciences, will address brain plasticity and the control of thinking. Also, the following talks will cover topics such as sustainability and environment, geology and dinosaurs in Chile, among others.

Original source in Spanish

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