translated from Spanish: 8 minors test positive for Covid-19 in Tamaulipas

Ciudad Victoria.- Gloria Molina Gamba, head of the Ministry of Health of Tamaulipas, revealed that at least eight minors were diagnosed with the Sars-Cov-2 virus, which causes Covid-19, in the state. These patients were diagnosed during the 24 hours prior to the presentation of the technical report presented on Wednesday, June 9, by the official, who detailed that their ages range between 4 and 17 years.
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Three of the cases were detected in southern Tamaulipas. One of them is a 16-year-old boy, an 8-year-old boy and one more just four years old, the youngest of those infected. Read more: UFOs interfere in US atomic project: Former pentagon chiefIn the central area of the entity there is a 14-year-old COVID patient, a 13-year-old covid patient and a third 10-year-old, who is located in the capital. While in the city of Matamoros, a 14-year-old teenager and a 17-year-old tested positive for the coronavirus.

The official did not provide more details about the state of health of these patients, however she urged the population to prevent the spread of the disease even among young people. He also recalled the importance of keeping a healthy distance even when you are already vaccinated. It is worth mentioning that young patients are part of the 139 new cases of Covid-19 that were recently detected in Tamaulipas. Similarly, health authorities recorded 13 recent deaths associated with this disease.  Read more: Man falls for setting fire in Forest La Primavera, Jalisco To date there are 56,261 cases of coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic, 5,204 deaths associated with the disease and 49,898 patients recovered in the border state. According to data from the portal coronavirus.tamaulipas.gob there are still one thousand 159 active cases of Covid-19 in the state.

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Original source in Spanish

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