translated from Spanish: UEFA punishes Marko Arnautovic with a match

Europe.- A couple of days later UEFA has given its resolution on the case of Marko Arnautovic who was investigated for some signs of a racist nature for his rivals in Macedonia in his first match of the European Championship. He has now been notified that he has been suspended from a match so he will not be able to play against the Netherlands this weekend. According to UEFA publications on its portals it was announced that Austrian Marko Arnautovic will not be in the match of the second match of the European Championship of his selection after having found him guilty of insults towards his rivals when last Sunday he scored the third goal for his selection.
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This is the first punishment that UEFA has granted in this European Championship as there have been no extreme situations that must be addressed. Likewise the player asked for despulpas a day after his actions and defended himself arguing that there are divided opinions about what happened and for this he has decided that in addition to his punishment he will make a donation of 25 thousand euros for his integration project. Read more: Eurocup: The most expensive Eleven of the EuroAsure that he wants to be the model for children and young people who like football so in that way he wants to clear his name, “Precisely for this reason I would like to take the opportunity to contribute 25,000 euros for my integration project, in which I act as a patron, so that my bad behavior in this case also has good consequences and there is more cohesion. I want to be a role model for children and young people,” she said.

Austria yesterday won 3-1, but what is being talked about for possible sanction was the OK gesture of “white supremacy” that Marko Arnautovic made with his hands and the insult “Sipatarsku” that he issued,which is a denigrating and pejorative way to refer to the Albanians. — Football and Politics (@FutboliPolitica)
June 14, 2021

Marko Arnaotovic triggered criticism in the last minutes of the game against North Macedonia where when he scored the goal he approached the rivals and made a signal that in certain parts of Europe has racist connotations, which immediately identified his captain, David Alaba who rebuked him and made the investigation more obvious. Read more: Luis Suarez confirms it will be his last Copa America to attendNow the player will have to watch his team from the stands against the Netherlands on Thursday in the second match of the European Championship for his team that was leading alongside the “Clockwork Orange” and that this duel will define the head of the group looking for his qualification for the last day.

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