translated from Spanish: Olympic medalist Paola Espinosa was left out of Tokyo 2020-21

home sport Olympic medalist Paola Espinosa was left out of Tokyo 2020-21

Photography/Facebook Paola Espinosa
Mexico. – Two-time Olympic medalist Paola Espinosa was left out of the final list of divers who will compete for Mexico, this after the 34-year-old athlete finished in last place during the technical control of nailing that took place last weekend.
Melany Hernández and Paola Espinosa finished in third place with a total of 259.20 points, so they were the last place among the three couples who competed. Given this, the couple who will compete in synchronized 3-meter women’s springboard are Carolina Mendoza and Dolores Hernández.
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The Mexican Swimming Federation respected the results that were given last weekend. The Mexican Swimming Federation announced the Mexican competitors, so the Mexican will not be able to end her career as a professional diver and in her career leaves a bronze medal in Beijing 2008 in platform 10 meters synchronized and London 2012 in the same discipline. While in world cups of nailing he added eight gold medals, five silver and five bronze.
Source ESPN.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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