translated from Spanish: “We are here to stay”: 35 conventional participate in presentation of a ‘Feminist Regulation’ for the new Constitution

The launch of the regulation took place on Tuesday, June 15, where different feminist organizations presented the points they consider relevant when it comes to beginning to debate the writing of the new Constitution. 
More than 100 women participated in the event, along with 35 elected convention members, where they began a campaign that will be held for two weeks to make gender proposals visible in the Convention and in the citizens. 
“We worked for parity, but it was not a sufficient condition. The Regulation begins with the principles that we believe should guide the Convention, we try to focus on particular niches that are closer to our experiences as feminists: equality, parity, inclusive language, non-discrimination, an intersectional approach, “said the coordinator of the Network of Political Scientists, Julieta Suárez-Cao.

Likewise, the organizational director of ANAMURI, Gabriela Curinao, said that work has been done on the regulation for several weeks with the aim of being a contribution in the constituent process, “but also for ourselves, the women’s organizations and the participation of the various territories.”
The former constituent candidate and lawyer Constanza Valdés also participated in the instance, in which the activist indicated the importance of the regulation, especially in positioning parity at its center. “The regulation places parity, gender equality, the care crisis, accessibility, inclusivity, plurinationality, transparency and participation in the development of the functioning and work of the Convention at its core,” he said.
The conventional ones present were: Carolina Videla (D1), Bessy Gallardo (D8), Bárbara Sepúlveda (D9), Constanza Schönhaut (D11), Alondra Carrillo (D12), Malucha Pinto (D13) Loreto Vallejos (D15) Aurora Delgado (D24), Natividad Llanquileo (reserved seat Mapuche People), Alejandra Flores (D2), Beatriz Sánchez (D12), Ericka Portilla (D4), Damaris Abarca (D15), Amaya Alvés (D20), Carolina Sepúlveda (D19), Cristina Dorador (D3), Giovanna Grandón (D12) , Giovanna Roa (D10), Ivanna Olivares (D5), María José Oyarzún (D7) , Manuela Royo (D23), Tammy Pustilnick (D20), Millaray Painamel (reserved seats Pueblo Mapuche), Tiare Aguilera (reserved seat Pueblo Rapa Nui), Tatiana Urrutia (D8), Paulina Valenzuela (D14), Patricia Politzer (D10), Paola Grandón (D17), Tania Madriaga (D7), Isabel Godoy (reserved seat Pueblo Colla), Carolina Vilches (D6), Yarela Gómez (D27) and Vanessa Hoppe (D21).

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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