translated from Spanish: Coronavirus in Argentina: 20,363 new cases and 465 deaths recorded

The Nation’s Ministry of Health reported 20,363 new coronavirus infections nationwide, bringing the number of cases recorded since the beginning of the pandemic to 4,242,763. On this Friday, 100,268 were carried out, which yielded a positivity rate of 20.30%.
Buenos Aires 6828 | 1769175
CABA 1133 | 448950
Catamarca 227 | 30586
Chaco 582 | 70623
Chubut 187 | 68159
Currents 772 | 59827
Cordoba 2995 | 381175
Entre Ríos 837 | 102220
Formosa 471 | 40581
Jujuy 219 | 32855
La Pampa 311 | 48920
La Rioja 148 | 20255
Mendoza 650 | 133372
Missions 170 | 23554
Neuquén 300 | 98595
Rio Negro 331 | 81267
Salta 471 | 55443
San Juan 401 | 45992
St. Louis 304 | 61302
Santa Cruz 74 | 54276
Santa Fe 1749 | 387308
Santiago del Estero 640 | 53774
Tierra del Fuego 46 | 29269
Tucumán 517 | 145285

The health ministry’s evening report recorded 465 deaths in the last 24 hours. At the moment the number of deaths is 88,247.Currently there are 7,467 people hospitalized in intensive care, a figure that shows a decrease compared to recent weeks, when Argentina was ranked in the top 3 of countries with more people in that condition. The health system at the national level is 74.9% occupied, while in the AMBA the number fell to 72.5%.

Original source in Spanish


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