translated from Spanish: Family is shot outside Cd. Juarez hospital

Ciudad Juarez .- A family was the victim of an armed attack outside the 66th Social Security hospital in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, which left at least three injured. According to local media, it was minutes before midnight on Saturday that a group of armed men fired on a family that was in the vicinity of the emergency area of hospital 66.
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As a result, three members of the family were injured, so they were admitted to the hospital located between Ramón Rayón and Eduarda Barbachano streets, south of Ciudad Juárez.Read more: Seven injured in a heavy collision of two cars on the Los Mochis-Ahome highway Unofficial reports indicate that the victims were a man, a woman and a minor , who had allegedly come to receive medical attention after suffering another attack, but were pursued by the armed commando.

Agents of the Attorney General’s Office (FGE) of Chihuahua moved to the place to carry out the first proceedings, while the area remains guarded by elements of the Secretariat of Public Security and National Guard.Read more: Jalisco policemen are attacked with bullets in Colonia La Perla de Guadalajara; at least one wounded At the site of the armed attack, experts were able to collect more than 30 bullet casings, several of which hit a black Ford pickup truck, which was parked at the entrance to the hospital. So far the authorities have not issued official information about what happened, so they do not know the motives of the armed attack and the status of the victims. There are also no reports of detainees.

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