translated from Spanish: COVID cases increase in adults aged 30 to 49 in CDMX

The increase in positive cases of COVID-19 has occurred in adults aged 19 to 29 and aged 30 to 39. There is also a more moderate increase in the 40-49 age group, explained Eduardo Clark, Director General of Digital Government at the Digital Agency for Public Innovation.
He also indicated that in these age groups, although cases have increased, there has been no increase in the number of hospitalizations. 
The most vulnerable groups, including adults 50 and older, have stability in cases, the official said. This, he said, reflects the impact of vaccination but also that people who are not yet vaccinated should take care of themselves. 

The daily average number of cases has increased from 240 to 631 between May 24 and June 22. Although if there is a growing trend, the speed of growth has not increased, added the director of Digital Government. 
Read: CDMX government announces application of second dose to people aged 50 to 59 in six mayoralties

“We’re seeing a steady increase of 30, 40 more per day, we’re not seeing an exponential rate of growth,” Clark explained.

“In no way, we are not facing a third wave, for now, what there is is a slight increase in cases and particularly in people between 30 and 49 years old, that is the age group where the number of people who are positive is increasing,” added the head of government, Claudia Sheinbaum.
Find out: COVID cases increase in children under 12 years of age in CDMX; 125 test positive in one week
He explained that in the other age groups there has not been an increase because they are the ones with the highest number of people vaccinated. 
He said that it is equally important to maintain the health of the citizens of the capital but also to maintain economic activation, so he asked not to be alarmed, but to maintain health care, while expanding the vaccination program.
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Original source in Spanish


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