translated from Spanish: Ignacio Campos Equihua meets with Mayors and Elected Mayors of Morena

Michoacán.- The federal deputy, Ignacio Campos Equihua went this Thursday to the capital of the country, to meet with his counterparts at the Meeting of Mayors and Elected Mayors of Morena, where he signed the letter commitment of the National Regeneration Movement, in which he promises to comply during his government with the precepts of the party, of “not stealing , do not lie and do not betray.
During the meeting that was headed by the national leader of Morena, Mario Delgado Carrillo, the elected municipal president of Uruapan, Nacho Campos stressed that it was time for his municipality to finally have an honest government, with open doors and where people can go to be heard and attended to their problems; and “not just a government of simulations where people do not find an answer to their demands.”
“We will govern under these principles of honesty, where public resources are managed transparently and where the citizenry can decide where they will be used; not where the authority decides only on partisan compromises, but where people really need them. We have works of gleam, which in no way coincide with the needs of the majority, we are not equal.
In this meeting, Campos Equihua celebrated having met with the elected mayors of Lázaro Cárdenas and Ziracuaretiro, Itzé Camacho Zapiain and Itzel Gaona Bedolla, respectively; With whom, he said, he will be carrying out important regional projects, as well as with the other elected mayors of Morena, to whom he joins a common struggle: the fight against corruption and bad government practices.

Original source in Spanish


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