translated from Spanish: Calendar, venues, age and mayors to be vaccinated (July 6 to 10)

Next Tuesday, July 6, the vaccination of adults from 30 to 39 years old will begin in five mayor’s offices, first doses will be applied in adults from 40 to 49 years old and second doses for adults from 50 to 59 years old.
From next week it will be essential to carry the printed vaccination file to receive the vaccine since the government announced a new operating model to speed up immunization.
The file can be downloaded in that will have prefilled: name, CURP and registration sheet. You must fill in the remaining personal data.

Here we leave you all the details:
Initiation of vaccination from 30 to 39 years old
The mayors’ offices where the first dose of the COVID vaccine will be applied to people aged 30 to 39 are Cuajimalpa, Magdalena Contreras, Milpa Alta, Cuauhtémoc and Xochimilco.
They will get the AstraZeneca vaccine, which ranges from 8 to 12 weeks between the two doses.

Read: So you can sign up for the vaccine if you’re between the ages of 30 and 39
The vaccine shall be given according to the initial of the first surname:

These are the designated venues for each application of the biological.

First dose for adults 40 to 49 years
The population aged 40 to 49 years of the mayors Benito Juárez, Venustiano Carranza and Gustavo A. Madero will receive the first dose.
The AstraZeneca vaccine will be given.

These are the designated venues for each application of the biological.

Second doses for adults aged 50 to 59 years 
From Tuesday, July 6, until Saturday, July 10, the second doses of the COVID vaccine will be applied to adults aged 50 to 59 years of the mayors Gustavo A. Madero, Cuajimalpa, Milpa Alta, Magdalena Contreras and Iztapalapa.
The people of Gustavo A. Madero and Iztapalapa will receive the Sputnik V vaccine.
While in Cuajimalpa, Milpa Alta and Magdalena Contreras will receive the AstraZeneca.

These are the designated venues for each application of the biological.

In Iztapalapa

Center for Scientific and Technological Studies N.7 “Cuauhtémoc” IPN.
Telecomm/Telecomunicaciones de México.
Faculty of Higher Studies (FES) Zaragoza UNAM.
Military Housing Unit “El Vergel”.

New macrounit operating model
This time there will no longer be a registration table to make the whole process more agile, so the importance of keeping the file printed. 
Once you enter the vaccination unit with your documents and they are reviewed, you will go directly to the vaccinating cells where you will be immunized.
In the observation area you will deliver your vaccination file for registration and receive all the information relevant to immunization.
This change, explained the government of Mexico City, is to have a maximum capacity of 1.2 million vaccines a week.
Before, the average vaccination for a person was one hour, with this model we seek to reduce it to 30-35 minutes.
The CDMX government also announced that 18 fixed vaccination sites will be established for use each week.
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Original source in Spanish


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