translated from Spanish: There is a resurgence of Covid cases in Tokyo three weeks before the start of the Olympic Games

Japan’s daily coronavirus case count rose by 182 cases from last Saturday’s figures, on the fourteenth consecutive day to reflect an increase. Today’s number is the highest since May 26, when the Japanese capital recorded 743 new infections, although no new deaths were reported, according to the balance sheet collected by state broadcaster NHK. The Japanese Government and other organisers of the Games are planning a meeting, possibly next week, to review the current policy of limiting the number of spectators to 10,000 per venue. Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike acknowledged yesterday that the option of holding some competitions without spectators is being considered given the situation. In fact, the chair of the organizing committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Seiko Hashimoto, indicated in a separate press conference that the organizers are “prepared” to go ahead without an audience if the government establishes such a policy after analyzing the infection situation.” I do not know what will happen with the contagion situation because it changes day by day, but the organizing committee will be prepared to hold the games without spectators and will live up to any change in policy that may occur,” he was quoted as saying by the Europa Press.Japan news agency has already announced that it will impose a seven-day pre-confinement on athletes arriving from countries where there is a spread of the Delta variant. , considered more contagious. During lockdown athletes should have PCR tests every day and contact only other members of their team.

Original source in Spanish


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