translated from Spanish: Boric versus Jadue: FA candidate calls mayor PC’s words an “outburst” but avoids escalating the conflict

Tense hours are lived in A aprueba Dignidad, after the words of the PC candidate, Daniel Jadue, who accused that thanks to Gabriel Boric and the Broad Front there are “many political prisoners in the country,” for having voted in favor of the Antibarricadas Law.
The statement was a continuation of yesterday’s round in the television debate organized by Anatel between the two candidates. And to that was added that today Jadue decided at the last minute not to attend a debate on the environment in which he would participate with Boric.
The debate organized by El Desconcierto began with the clarification of journalist Meri Frexias who explained the absence of the former mayor of Recoleta to the instance. “Today at 16 PM we were informed that PC candidate Daniel Jadue had scheduling problems to participate in this debate, which we had scheduled about ten days ago. He has given us as an argument the problems of agenda although we had prepared all the diffusion with his command”, he added that they regret “that Daniel Jadue has backed down”.
The media clarified that the PC candidate rejected the request “despite having confirmed his presence and approved the graphic pieces 10 days ago, Daniel Jadue’s communications team reported that the candidate has agenda problems.”
Boric was present, and despite the fact that the Broad Front came out to respond with everything to the mayor of Recoleta during the afternoon, the deputy chose to put cold cloths and not escalate the conflict.
When asked about Jadue’s remarks that he accused the candidate of being responsible for the political prisoners, Gabriel Boric replied that “instead of falling into dimes and diretes regarding that outburst I prefer that we go to the basic issue that summons us.”
“I believe that we are trying to build a long-term, quality left-wing alternative to discuss our proposals in environmental matters, in matters of development model,” he said, to get fully into the topic of the interview.
In this scenario, it transpired that the PC candidate will not attend the radio debate organized by the IRC consortium either. Days ago, Jadue stressed that he is not going to “spend huge hours of my campaign to “waste time on the amount of debates that some want to do.” Apparently, the former mayor’s strategy will be to avoid debates to concentrate on field activities such as those he has carried out in Recoleta, Peñalolén and different communes.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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