translated from Spanish: Jalisco closes bars, cancels national holidays and reduces capacity

The government of Jalisco announced this morning new health measures in the face of the increase in cases and hospitalizations due to COVID-19.
During August it will cancel the operation of bars and night bars, as well as all mass events with more than 300 people.
The state authorities announced that for August and September will be canceled in person: national holidays, October holidays, the patron saint festivities (in municipalities of low incidence you can request authorization from the health table), religious celebrations outside the walls; government reports, protest events and political-related festivities.

Read: With 17 thousand new COVID cases, Mexico records new record in third wave
The capacity will also be modified in all establishments that require removal of covers. In restaurants the capacity will go from 75 to 50% until 12 at night.
While for social events the capacity will be reduced to 150 people in closed spaces, 300 people in open spaces, with a maximum of five hours.

Hotels are maintained with a capacity of 80%, with common areas at 50%. The stadiums may have a capacity of 33% outdoors with mandatory use of raincoats.
These measures will enter into force this Friday, July 30.

This is a very important announcement from the health table about the actions and measures that we will have to follow to face the curve of #COVID19 infections in Jalisco. This is not over yet and we cannot let our guard down. Listen carefully and share:
— Enrique Alfaro (@EnriqueAlfaroR) July 28, 2021

In a press conference, Enrique Alfaro said that given the growing number of active cases and hospitalizations, conditions must be created to guarantee the return to school at the end of August.
“The whole agenda that we are designing for evaluation and adjustments in health measures is focused on creating conditions so that our children and young people can return to the classroom,” he said.
Alfaro said that, through the Economic Reactivation Table, a bag of extraordinary resources will be available to support the personnel who work in these shifts and activities with the payment of their salaries.
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Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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