translated from Spanish: Kickboxing champion rejected Luksic’s offer to fund world cup trip: “I don’t trust your philanthropy”

The Pan American Kickboxing champion and history teacher, Macarena “La Maquinita” Orellana, who is qualified for the World Cup in Egypt to be held in October, rejected through social networks the offer made by businessman Andronikos Luksic.Ello, after this week Orellana reported a campaign to raise funds to finance his participation in the sporting event. To this, Luksic responded with a tweet in which he told him to “have my support to go to the World Cup. This time he must be able to achieve it and come to Egypt to represent Chile with all his heart. We will be able to contact you.” In response, the athlete wrote an extensive thread on Twitter, after indicating that she had given a lot of thought to her response, and in which she slipped criticism of Luksic’s business management, and the neoliberal model. Among other responses, Orellana said that “I do not trust your philanthropy, if you wanted to help me and your desire was goodwill, you would have deposited it into the account that was made public.” You try to use my financial need to clean up your image,” the athlete added. After that, the businessman responded through the social network: “Macarena, I clarify that in all the aid we have made, we have never requested anything in return. We do it because we believe in the importance of supporting Chilean athletes.”  “I respect his opinion and wish him well in his challenges,” he added.

Original source in Spanish


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