translated from Spanish: Manes asks to debate with Santilli: “You can’t win with apparatus or marketing alone”

The pre-candidate for deputy for the province of Buenos Aires, Facundo Manes, again insisted on his intention to debate with his opponent in the internals of Juntos, Diego Santilli. The RADICAL leader participated in a proselytizing tour in La Plata in which he also took aim at Buenos Aires Governor Axel Kicillof for the “tragedy” that meant the management of education in the district during the pandemic.

“A year and a half without face-to-face classes that will have an impact on the mental health of children, educational and economic for decades,” he said. The intention to debate with Santilli was also crystallized by the pre-candidate of the Front of All, Victoria Tolosa Paz, but from the PRO they argue that they will do so after the PASO, when the candidacies have been defined.

More than a year and a half without face-to-face classes. If Sarmiento were to get up… Education cannot be just a campaign slogan. It should be an everyday priority. – Facundo Manes (@ManesF)
August 24, 2021

“If possible we have to debate every day. One day about education, another day about child nutrition or early childhood, another day about safety, another day about work, about how we are going to create jobs,” said Manes.The neuroscientist again pointed to the political space that Santilli represents, since he considered that “you can not win only with political apparatuses or with marketing”.

He added: “We have to debate and there is still time. We have an obligation to beat Kirchnerism this year and in the 23rd, and the only way to beat it is with a coalition that makes a qualitative leap that fattens the coalition.”

Original source in Spanish


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