translated from Spanish: The Ministry of Education analyzes reducing distancing to expand school attendance

Last Monday, the Minister of Education, Nicolás Trotta, met with an advisory council composed of epidemiologists, pediatricians and specialists with the aim of reviewing school protocols and expanding classroom attendance. To this end, the education ministry analyzes reducing the distance of 1.5 meters that currently governs all districts of the country except mendoza and the city of Buenos Aires and increase, thus, the number of students per class.

The objective of the meeting was to develop a proposal to continue strengthening the presence cared for by improving health indicators. – Nicholas Trotta (@trottanico)
August 23, 2021

While no details were given as to how many centimetres such a reduction would be, a distinction emerged during the virtual meeting between “optimal distancing” and “permissible distancing”. Despite this possible reduction in distancing, the national government remains firm on the other pillars of the school protocol: the use of chinstraps, hand washing and permanent ventilation.” The improvement in epidemiological indicators, the progress in the vaccination process and the increase in temperatures throughout the Argentine territory opens a window of opportunity for the development of new alternatives that continue to strengthen the presence in the classrooms,” he said on his Twitter account after the meeting with specialists.

The comprehensive proposal prepared through the conclusions reached will be presented as soon as possible to the Federal Council of Education for validation and approval. – Nicholas Trotta (@trottanico)
August 23, 2021

Finally, the head of the education ministry called for “intensifying face-to-face without renouncing health care.”
On this note:

Original source in Spanish


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