Britney Spears and a message to her fans: “Thank you for your resistance to free me from guardianship”

For the past 13 years Britney Spears was automated, silenced, traumatized by the events of her life that led her to be trapped in a guardianship imposed by her own father, Jamie Spears, which only now, can begin to reverse.

Thanks to her lawyer, Mathew Rosengart, and the #FreeBritney movement, the artist managed to be heard before the court of the United States and managed, for the moment, that her father is no longer her guardian, nor administrator of her assets, and the judicial process continues its way so that gradually the guardianship disappears. After several documentaries, and the word of Britney herself, we could learn about the ordeal she suffered throughout these years, and that she is only now able to put into words.

Therefore, after several posts where she was seen naked as if it were a metaphor for the release, she took some time to thank her fans who supported her throughout this process.

“#FreeBritney movement… I have no words… for you and your constant resistance to free me from my tutelage… my life is now going in that direction !!!!! I cried last night for two hours because my fans are the best and I know it…”, she expressed with a video where she is seen posing for them.

#FreeBritney movement … I have no words … because of you guys and your constant resilience in freeing me from my conservatorship … my life is now in that direction !!!!! I cried last night for two hours cause my fans are the best and I know it … — Britney Spears (@britneyspears)
October 4, 2021

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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