Magistrate Vargas will propose to stop investigations against Pío López Obrador

Magistrate José Luis Vargas will propose to the TEPJF the revocation of the complaints and the initiation of administrative proceedings against Pío López Obrador, brother of the President of the Republic, David León or Morena, for the videos where he appears receiving cash in 2015.
The bill that the magistrate will present today considers that the alleged crimes have already expired, reported the newspaper Milenio, which had access to a copy of the document.
It points out that Judge Vargas argues that the law is not retroactive and that which was in force at the time of the acts denounced should be applied.

He adds that, if the alleged crimes were committed in 2015 and the lawsuits were filed until 2020, the National Electoral Institute did not have to admit them because they would have expired in 2018.
The magistrate’s bill details that the current law of 2014 established that the administrative sanctioning procedures would be inadmissible when the complaint was filed after three years following the date on which the facts that are denounced have arisen.
“The application of the subsequent rule would be in violation of the principles of certainty and legal certainty,” the document states.

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The magistrate’s bill indicates that “the existence of other evidence is not noticed” other than the videos disseminated by a media outlet, which indicate as the date of recording June 16, 2015 and that in addition, the defense considers illicit evidence because it is a violation of the privacy of those involved by being recorded without their consent.
The project of Judge José Luis Vargas would be presented today in the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation.
On August 20, 2020, it was announced that the brother of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Pío López Obrador, was recorded receiving money allegedly to strengthen Morena in Chiapas aimed at the 2018 elections.
The materials were released by the Latinus portal. According to the media, the videos show David León, delivering money to Pío López Obrador in 2015, on at least three occasions. According to this report, resources flowed that way for a year and a half.
At that time, Latinus said, David León was a consultant and operator of the chiapas government, headed by Manuel Velasco. According to the same media, it was Leon himself who recorded the videos.
Animal Político reported, on July 9, that the complaint filed by opposition parties against Pío López Obrador, brother of the president of the Republic, for receiving allegedly illicit resources for Morena has been stalled for almost a year.
While the INE accuses the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) of blocking access to information necessary to advance in the control of these resources, the institution directed by Alejandro Gertz Manero told Animal Político that the matter is still in the initial investigation phase.
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Original source in Spanish


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