Health does not register COVID rebound due to back to school

Mexico adds 10 consecutive weeks with a reduction in the COVID-19 pandemic and so far there has been no uptick in infections due to the reopening of schools, said the Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell.
He explained that in the population aged 5 to 17 years there is a trend of reduction of the epidemic, that the number of infections has not increased and that only 10% of general cases occur at this age.
“We have been closely monitoring, in coordination with Secretary Delfina Gómez and her team, what is happening to children and adolescents in particular in educational campuses and no sign has been shown that the opening of schools will result in an uptick in the pandemic,” he said.

Given this, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the Secretary of Public Education, Delfina Gómez, called for a return to face-to-face classes.
Read: ‘Is he very comfortable?’ AMLO criticizes universities that have not returned to face-to-face classes
Gomez called on the states of Hidalgo, Baja California, Guerrero, Michoacán, Nuevo León and Baja California Sur to increase the number of students in classrooms.

He explained that since the beginning of the school year, 156,042 schools have been opened and 16,414,404,000 students have returned to face-to-face classes in the country.
“We continue to invite them to return in person, although they already do it in a mixed or hybrid way, but it is important to return to what is the new normal. In states that are below the national average in university openings, at less than 50%, in that case there are Baja California, Baja California Sur, Campeche, Mexico City, Colima, Durango and Guerrero,” he said.

The secretary @delfinagomeza reported that 156,042 schools have opened; and 16 million 414 thousand 404 students and one million 374 thousand 230 workers have returned, but he mentioned that there are states with less than 50% attendance in the case of universities.
— Animal Político (@Pajaropolitico) October 12, 2021

At a press conference, the president explained that in states such as Guerrero and Nuevo León there is a commitment to expand the number of schools that are open.
He reiterated his request to directors, teachers and university students to return to face-to-face classes. “It’s about time, and there are several public universities missing that haven’t returned to school,” he said.
Vaccination of minors with diseases
The Undersecretary of Health, Hugo López-Gatell, called for minors with chronic diseases to register to receive the vaccine against COVID-19.
He pointed out that currently there are only 23,000 registered minors, but it is expected to vaccinate one million or one and a half million adolescents from 12 to 17 years old with some condition.
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Original source in Spanish


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