Campaign launched to call for deaf people to vote this November 21

In Chile there are more than 700 thousand people with functional diversity who have some degree of hearing loss, and of them it is estimated that 179,268 people would have total deafness.
With the aim of directing a call to vote exclusively for this group, is that the initiative Now We Have to Participate together with the CREA Association and with the support of the United Nations Program, UNDP, launched on Wednesday a citizen campaign video made by and for deaf people in which various myths about this disability are exposed in sign language.
Among the myths that these people resent the most are, for example, “that their level of learning is lower than that of the listeners” or that “this condition would prevent their full participation in the political, cultural and social life of the country.”
With a call to demolish these beliefs, members of the CREA association call on deaf people to exercise their right to vote this November 21 in the framework of the presidential elections.
Ahora Nos Toca Participar is an initiative that articulates civil society organizations throughout Chile that seeks to guarantee citizen training and participation in the context of the Constituent process, promoting inclusive participation and incident with special focus on historically excluded groups.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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