Defends Maru Campos to attend AMLOfest

Chihuahua.- After going to the Zócalo to celebrate the three years of Government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the Governor of Chihuahua, the PAN member María Eugenia Campos, justified that her role is to have a good relationship with the federal Executive. There is a relationship of respect with the President of the Republic, with his entire Cabinet, there is a relationship of collaboration, there is a relationship of attention to the State of Chihuahua, which I appreciate because we had the fourth budget with the largest contributions and federal participations in the country, “he said. “We are grateful, it is a relationship of institutional respect, which I as Governor and Government of the State must have, it is not a want, it is not an ideological issue, it is not a partisan issue, it is an institutional issue and my role is to have a good relationship with the federal government so that it goes well for the Chihuahuas.” Read more: End austerity? AMLO confirms that high commands will receive their full aguinaldoThe Chihuahuan, the Yucatecan Mauricio Vila, the Quintana Roo Carlos Joaquín and the Duranguense José Rosas Aispuro paraded through the plate of the Zócalo to wrap the Tabasco. On social networks, Mauricio Vila and Maru Campos appear in photos next to Marcelo Ebrard and the Head of Government, Claudia Sheinbaum.In another, Campos is surrounded by Governors of Morena and the national leader of Morena, Mario Delgado. The Governors of National Action are in their right to attend the invitations made to them by the Federal Executive. However, Acción Nacional does not share either the celebration or the vision expressed in the event,” said the national leader of the PAN, Marko Cortés. El País has nothing to celebrate, since Mexican families are experiencing the worst moments of violence and insecurity, unemployment and economic crisis so far this century.” In turn, PAN Senator Damián Zepeda disproved the presence of the PAN leaders. Read more: I was only 6 years old! They kill a child in the capital of Chihuahua”I think it is a mistake, I deeply regret it and they do not represent me at all; for the leadership of my party to accompany the celebration in a political event with partisan overtones that was used simply to hit the opponents, is a mistake,” he argued. Coating of the Interior Circuit falls on 3 vehicles; Sobse rules out structural damage

Original source in Spanish

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