Vicente Fernández is “serious and delicate health”

Guadalajara, Jalisco.- Vicente Fernández, legend of Mexican music, is in serious and delicate health, confirmed his firstborn, Vicente Fernández Jr. At the exit of the Country 2000 hospital in the city of Guadalajara, it Jalisco.Al be 127 days that the so-called Charro de Huentitán is hospitalized in the hospital after suffering an accident at home and a week after returning to intensive care, after suffering inflammation of the respiratory tract his state of health declined in recent days. After his departure from the medical center in the capital tapatía, the eldest of the “foals”, as the singer’s children are known, said that, although the interpreter of hits such as “Botas de charro” and “Mujeres Divinas”, is still alive, but delicate. It is being speculated that my father was no longer with us. It’s delicate. Asking for a lot of prayer is a critical moment, but it is a lie what they are speculating,” said the man who has become the regular intermediary of the press and his family. Fernández Junior also shared photos with his father on social networks, adding to the samples that the singer’s children have made, this after the mention that Alejandro Fernández had in a past concert where he asks for prayer for Vicente Fernández.The last medical report that was published on the official Instagram account of the singer mentions that his health worsened presenting greater inflammation of his lower respiratory tract and increased respiratory support. Doctors through the family reported that the singer required sedation to maintain comfort in addition to multidisciplinary management, however, his state of health is described as “critical”. Read more: Three magical towns in Jalisco that you have to visit at Christmas”Very reserved prognosis,” he says in a solitary paragraph, part of the medical statement on the account @_VICENTEFDEZ, adding “More than ever the support and understanding of this moment that the Fernández family is going through is appreciated.” Mariachi in Germany: Euclid Milan

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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