Book Launch “Hold On!” – The Counter

Book launch “Endurance!”

Mackenna Gallery, Vicuña Mackenna 38, Metro Baquedano, Santiago.
Thursday, December 16 – 20:00 hours.

“Aguante!” is the sixth book by the writer and journalist Francisco Marín Naritelli (Talca, 1986), and consists of an autobiographical journey that is related to contemporary political reality. With a language, at times hermetic and other times simple, he updates the poetic voices that have exerted influence on the author.
Poems of Nerudian roots, the strange and the baroque, childhood and adolescence, social explosion, environmental disasters, genocides and vertical ghettos, merge into a personal and historical anthology.

A painful, terrible and bitter Chile, where it is possible, according to Rodrigo Arriagada-Zubieta, “to see oneself as a corpse within a country conceived as a mass grave.”
For the also editor of Buenos Aires Poetry “we are facing a large notebook, which if it were possible to see its originals, we would probably find them pierced with pencil and burned with a cigarette. And this because Endure! it is a projectile thrown at a community seduced by narcotic mass ideation movements, as in the worst instances in history.”
For Rodrigo Peralta, director of Ediciones Filacteria, it is essential to have in his catalog “an author so neat, reflective and who makes a deep trace in the memory of a country in a shrinking country”.

Marín Naritelli is the author of the books Otoño (Piélago, 2014), Las batallas por la Alameda. Arteria del Chile demoliberal (Ceibo, 2014), Desaparecer (Ceibo, 2015), Interior con ceniza (Ceibo, 2018) and El Perfecto Transitivo (Filacteria, 2019). He is a professor at the Andrés Bello University and has collaborated in newspapers such as El Mostrador, El Dínamo and Radio Biobío.
The book will be presented by the artist Teresa del Monte and the poet Alberto Cecereu.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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