AMLO repeals Crusade Against Hunger, a program linked to the Master Scam

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador abrogated the decree establishing the National System for the Crusade against Hunger (CNCH), a social program designated to divert public resources to shell companies, as part of La Estafa Maestra.
The National Crusade against Hunger was one of the most important programs of social policy during the administration of former President Enrique Peña Nieto and implemented by Rosario Robles, former head of Sedesol who has been held for two years in the Santa Martha Acatitla prison for the crime of improper exercise of public office.
In a decree published this Friday in the Official Gazette of the Federation, the head of the Executive argues that the Crusade did not meet its objective of guaranteeing food for people in poverty.

Details that the Superior Audit of the Federation, in 2019, presented the final results and preliminary observations of the program where it indicates that it did not meet its objective of “Zero hunger from adequate food and nutrition of people in extreme multidimensional poverty and lack of access to food” and suggests to the Secretariat of Welfare to correct, modify or suspend the Crusade.
Read: Crusade Against Hunger spent $8 billion pesos in 6 years, but only 0.1% overcame food shortages
He indicated that deficiencies in the normative, programmatic, budgetary and evaluation designs of the Crusade against Hunger persisted since its launch in 2013, and that the programs that participated in the strategy decreased by 57.1% from 70 programs in 2013 to only 30 budget programs in 2018.

According to the audit, this strategy only addressed all the shortcomings presented by nine thousand 700 people, which represented only 0.1% of the 7 million 873 thousand 400 people in extreme poverty.
“Which implies that the CNCH did not meet its objective of ‘Zero hunger from adequate food and nutrition of people in extreme multidimensional poverty’ and that by virtue of the above, it is considered that it is no longer necessary to continue counting on the National System for the Crusade against Hunger,” the publication indicates.
With the decree, which will enter into force tomorrow, the Secretariat of Welfare is instructed to provide, when requested, the information in its files, on the procedures and pending matters, related to the National System for the Crusade against Hunger and its components.
Read: Rosario Robles wins new amparo; Judge must review whether the crime for which he is accused is repealed
Currently, Rosario Robles is the only former secretary of state criminally accused of La Estafa Maestra, the mechanism that occurred in 11 government agencies, in which they made agreements with universities for alleged services, and these subcontracted ghost companies, so the money disappeared.
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Original source in Spanish


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