Who left?: Surprise at Masterchef Celebrity elimination gala

A new elimination gala came to Masterchef Celebrity 3 in which, usually, a participant leaves the competition. This Sunday luisa Albinoni, Barbie Vélez (who replaces Denise Dumas), Catherine Fulop, Mica Viciconte, Tomás Fonzi and Joaquín had to defend their place Levinton.La slogan was to cook a steak in just 15 minutes and then prepare a garnish to the height. The weakest of the night were Levinton, Fulop, Viciconte, Vélez and Paula la “Peque” Pareto, who did not participate in Sunday’s gala but was chosen by Fonzi, who won the benefit of the night, to take her place.

However, to the surprise of the chefs and viewers the night took an unexpected turn and it was Damián Betular who was in charge of making the surprise announcement. The jury was faced with the 4 possible eliminated from the contest and announced: “The chef who leaves the kitchens of MasterChef Celebrity is … none!” Immediately applause broke out: “It’s not a joke. We believe that after having survived this week of extreme cooking and so many challenges everyone deserves to pass,” explained Betular.Meanwhile, the driver exclaimed: “We are all in shock, it is the first time it happens, what we do know is that they are all in the next round from tomorrow,” said Santiago del Moro.

“What did they make us cook for?” asked Viciconte humorously. Cathy couldn’t believe what was happening: “How can we not leave? It’s a joke.” For her part, Barbie did not hide her joy: “I am happy, happy.” Fonzi, the villain of the night, said: “A little bit of blood I wanted to see, some head rolling was not bad… unless it was that of the Peque”, in allusion to the fact that he chose the judoka to take his place in the elimination gala.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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