CNDH official fired for assaulting torture victim

Ángel Gómez Garza was dismissed from her position after offending and threatening to beat a torture victim, according to official information published on Monday afternoon by the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH). In the document, the Commission condemned the events and maintained that its “only commitment of the CNDH is to the victims.” The agency explained that the threats and intimidation against the victim, identified as Óscar Kábata, occurred on December 21, 2021, when he approached to complain to the official about the lack of justice in his case. Faced with the complaints and in the presence of three other people, Gómez Garza called Kabata a “faggot” and threatened to beat him for recording.” and the one I’m going to give you,” the official said. For this action, the CNDH explained in a statement that “in this particular case, it was immediate and forceful, because acts such as those denounced on that occasion are unacceptable.” Óscar Kábata explained to Eme Equis that he was a victim of torture in 2009 in Chihuahua by elements of the Ministry of National Defense (Sedena). For this reason, he went to Mexico City in search of a resolution of the case, but only found hostilities on the part of the members of the agency led by Rosario Piedra Ibarra.Read more: Aguascalientes Cyber Police avoided extortion for more than $20 million pesos in Mexico and the worldThe affected only identified Ángel Gómez Garza, a senior officer of the CNDH. However, he explained that the hostilities began since he arrived at the building.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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