Neighbors of Lomas del Valle, Guamúchil, fear that the light pole will fall

Guamúchil, Sinaloa.- In the Lomas del Valle neighborhood, in Salvador Alvarado, they live in fear because there is a light pole that is very inclined, to such a degree that it seems that at any time it will fall and, a situation that over time worsens, the problem is located in Ciprés y del Valle street, and according to the inhabitants of the place that the risk of it falling every day is greater. Jenny Cruz, a young man who has lived in this area for three years, mentions that since he arrived in the colony the pole was already in this way, however, the inclination to the passage of time is more noticeable, which is more worrying for the inhabitants of the place In addition to this problem, he pointed out that they continuously run out of electricity, and they associate this with the situation of the pole, “The light goes out a lot, and it is colony nothing more, it goes away every time, sometimes I think that the furniture is going to be broken down,” she said worriedly. Likewise, inhabitants of the site mention that they have already reported to the corresponding authorities and despite this there are no positive changes, therefore the problem grows and the pole is increasingly tilted, putting at risk the people who live in the Lomas de Valle neighborhood, since if the pole falls they fear that the electric power cables will be exposed. In addition to the material and physical damage that this could cause. Read more: With delay the day of vaccination passes to laggards of Salvador Alvarado, Sinaloa “I wish and they could do something to solve them, before something happens, I feel that this post is very dangerous so sideways,” he concluded. VIDEO. They tie him to the pole, wear mariachis and force him to declare his love

Original source in Spanish


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