A strong storm of hail and wind hit Mendoza

On Wednesday, an intense storm of rain and hail surprised Mendoza residents in various areas of the province, causing flooded streets, power cuts, falling trees, flooding in hospitals and the suspension of classes. It began after 16 and, despite its short duration, surprised with its intense gusts of wind and then moved to the eastern part of the province.

“It is a storm that originated in Greater Mendoza, covered part of Ciudad, Guaymallén and Godoy Cruz and remained strong without weakening to the southeast, crossing the department of San Martín and part of Junín, and now continues with the same intensity in the department of Santa Rosa,” said Carlos Bustos, Coordinator department of Agrometeorology in the Government of Mendoza. Through a press release, the provincial government provided details from different areas during and after the weather event. Among other things, interruptions in the electricity supply of several areas were reported, the most affected being Guaymallén and the Fifth City Section. In addition, there were affectations in Malargüe. “The significant rain was accompanied by hail and gusts of wind that caused the fall of branches on the power line and the filtration of water in facilities,” they clarified.

Fierce storm with hail in Mendoza that leaves irreparable losses to thousands of Mendoza wine producers and forces to declare an emergency in the affected areas #Granizo pic.twitter.com/oTZK70zNhc — Luis Petri (@luispetri)
February 23, 2022

From the Entity reported that at 17.30 there were 25,400 users affected in medium voltage, at 19.30 there were 10,100 affected users and at 20.30 9,361 affected users were registered. From the General Directorate of Schools reported on Wednesday that face-to-face classes were suspended in afternoon and night shifts at all levels and modalities of Greater Mendoza and the East; and the measure covered the departments of Ciudad de Mendoza, Las Heras, Guaymallén, Godoy Cruz, Maipú, Luján de Cuyo, San Martín, Rivadavia, Junín, La Paz and Santa Rosa.From Civil Defense, at least a total of 170 interventions were reported by the storm, being the department of Guaymallén one of the most affected with some 46 flooded homes,  41 fallen trees and branches, and flooding of the entrance of the Italian Hospital and a sector of the Sarmiento school.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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