Complaint against future Minister of Agriculture: Valenzuela apologizes for incredulous worker and says he will defend himself in court “like any citizen”

The future Minister of Agriculture, Esteban Valenzuela (FRVS), referred to the complaint against him for the crime of violation of dwelling and apologized to a worker of Agrícola Tralcán SpA, whom he rebuked.
Valenzuela will have to appear on March 22 before the First Court of Letters and Guarantee of Peumo for a complaint filed by businessman Nicolás del Río Silva in July 2020. According to the legal action, on June 19 of that same year, Valenzuela entered irregularly a land of Agrícola Tralcán, in the commune of Las Cabras, where the firm has a avocado plantation.
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In the place there was an altercation with the caretaker of the property. The worker asked him for explanations for his presence. Valenzuela responded with threats: “I am a former mayor of Rancagua… I’m going to put you in prison, smell… And your whole family is going to go to the conch…”
In a statement issued Thursday, Valenzuela asked for “apologies for the unfair way in which I treated the driver of the Tralcán company who was only doing his job.”
On the fact, he said that he arrived at “that place as a member of the group Forests for Cachapoal, for a serious complaint regarding the fact that the Tralcán company had destroyed 40 hectares of centennial native forest to plant a monoculture of avocados, which meant a serious attack on the biodiversity of our country, in the midst of the water crisis that remains until today.”
“The outrage and helplessness that led us to fight these predatory practices in no way justifies the way I treated this worker, for which I want to publicly reiterate my sincere apologies.”
He also denied “the rest of the accusations that have circulated around this situation, including an alleged intake of alcohol on my part (as the complainant had pointed out). I will defend myself in court like any citizen, proving my absolute innocence.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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