Within the framework of the commemoration of International Women’s Day, Olacefs presented its Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Policy, as a contribution to promote the mainstreaming of the gender perspective and advance in the reduction of inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean through superior oversight. Additionally, it contributes to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 5 (gender equality and empowerment of women and girls), considering the differentiated impact of bad practices on the exercise of public resources. The Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Policy seeks to guide SAIs on the principles that should govern their action on gender and non-discrimination, help them detect opportunities for improvement and suggest actions to generate substantive changes, which allow them to build their own route to consolidate equality, respect and inclusion in their operation. The new policy is developed in six axes, which consider key issues to consolidate an ethical and organizational culture that favors equality and inclusion, prevents and punishes acts of harassment, harassment or discrimination and allows them to manage their human talent in the best possible way, favoring the reconciliation of professional and personal life and encouraging the realization of coordinated audits with a gender approach, inclusion and diversity and exchange good practices and lessons learned. The recommendations that make up the Policy, accompanied by a guide to facilitate its implementation, were developed through the joint and collaborative work of the thirteen SAIs that make up the Working Group on Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination (GTG), based on the principles of: equality and non-discrimination; plural participation; respect for and appreciation of diversity; and, labor co-responsibility. Similarly, the policy is characterized by being comprehensive, preventive, participatory, executive, efficient, measurable, flexible and reviewable. The recommendations cover, in a comprehensive manner, different aspects of SAIs and their work, ranging from the audit exercise, to their organizational and ethical culture, seeking to serve everyone, as well as consolidating a participatory attitude, which translates into a culture that allows establishing ethical, harmonious, safe, inclusive work environments, free of discrimination and violence. As part of its collaboration in the GTG, the Superior Audit of the Federation developed in collaboration with the SAIs of Brazil, Chile and Puerto Rico, the axis of inclusion. This axis is inspired by the idea of leaving no one behind and focuses on the attention of the different circumstances that affect inequality gaps and can aggravate discrimination that affects a person, due to a combination of factors, such as gender identity or sexual orientation, disabilities, age, ethnicity or migratory status and proposes a series of measures to respond to them, based on basic principles to achieve this and prevent disabilities, cultural imprint or age from translating into obstacles to the personal and professional development of those who work in our entities. Promoting equality and addressing discrimination within SAIs and adopting this approach in our audits is also a matter of congruence, since being the institutions that ensure the correct management of public resources and the continuous improvement of government entities, we must lead by example and promote a high level of responsibility and commitment to the highest values of public service and contribute to reduce inequality and improve the living conditions of all. On March 15, 2018, the LXIII Legislature of the H. Chamber of Deputies elected Mr. David Rogelio Colmenares Páramo as Superior Auditor of the Federation, for the period 2018-2026. Mr. Colmenares Páramo obtained his academic degree at the Faculty of Economics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He has served in various professional and academic positions, among which are: Head of the Regional Coordination and Institutional Relations Unit of the Federal Authority for the Development of Special Economic Zones, Internal Comptroller, Federal Court of Fiscal and Administrative Justice, Special Auditor of Federalized Expenditure, in the Superior Audit of the Federation, Head of the Unit of Coordination with Federative Entities (of the SHCP Member of the Governing Board of the SAT General Coordinator of the work of the National Tax Convention held in 2004 representing the Ministry of Finance Secretary of Finance of Oaxaca President of the National College Professor of Economic Policy, Public Sector Economics and State Finance at the Faculty of Economics of the UNAM, since 1978. Due to his outstanding experience as a public servant, as well as in the academic field, the Superior Auditor has several publications, among which are: Equity and fiscal effort, the Mexican experience (2006) Citizen participation and social control (1994) Fiscal federalism in Mexico 1989-1994 (1994) Social and economic factors of corruption (1993). Since 1979 he has collaborated for various local and national print media. Currently, he participates with opinion columns in important media such as El Financiero and the weekly Eje Central. See more

Original source in Spanish


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