One step away from being enshrined: CC approves in general article on sexual and reproductive rights that includes abortion

Women’s historic demands continue to make their way into the Constitutional Convention (CC). This, since during this week the plenary approved in general the norm that enshrines sexual and reproductive rights, and that includes abortion.
The initiative must now be submitted to a private vote – it is expected to be next Tuesday – if it achieves the support of the constituents again, the norm will be part of the proposal for a new Constitution that the Convention will deliver to the citizens.
Article 16 was adopted with 109 votes in favour, 40 against and five abstentions.

🟣 FULL VOTE | Article 16 (20): Sexual and reproductive rights is APPROVED IN GENERAL
🗳 Article goes to a particular vote
✅ In favour: 109
❌ Against : 40
⚠️ Abstaining: 5
— Chile Convention (@convencioncl) March 10, 2022

The support of the norm was immediately celebrated and valued by different feminist organizations, which in fact were on the outskirts of the ex-congress waiting for the deliberation of the CC.
“Today we are one step closer to achieving social justice, one step closer to sexual and reproductive rights being recognized and guaranteed, one step closer to making it law!” the Permanent Assembly for the Legalization of Abortion celebrated through Twitter.

#SeraLey APPROVED IN GENERAL. Today we are one step closer to achieving social justice, one step closer to sexual and reproductive rights being recognized and guaranteed, one step closer to MAKING IT LAW!! #ConvencionConstitucional
— Assembly Legalization Abortion (@AsambleaAborto) March 10, 2022

Different members of the Convention also highlighted the possible incorporation of article 16 and were clear in maintaining that these advances were victories for the country’s women’s groups.
“We approve the article on sexual and reproductive rights, which includes the voluntary interruption of pregnancy. We are advancing in historical transformations where the feminist movement is the protagonist,” said the constituent of District 12, Alondra Carillo.
ADVANCES CONSECRATION OF OUR RIGHT TO DECIDE: We approve art of sexual and reproductive rights that includes voluntary interruption of pregnancy
We advance in historical transformations where the feminist movement is the protagonist💜
— Alondra Carrillo Vidal (@AlondraCVidal) March 10, 2022

On the other hand, conservative groups of the constitutional body also made their statements. “Denying Chileans the right to be born, without limits, without conditions or consequences, I think is a lack of respect,” said the conventional UDI, Katerine Montealegre.
The scope of the standard
Article 16 specifically states that, “all persons are holders of sexual and reproductive rights. These include, among others, the right to decide freely, autonomously and informed about one’s own body, about the exercise of sexuality, reproduction, pleasure and contraception.”
The law also states that the State must guarantee pregnant persons the correct exercise and adequate conditions “for a pregnancy, a voluntary interruption of pregnancy, voluntary and protected childbirth and maternity.”
It should be remembered that what is established in the proposal for a new Constitution is a right. Therefore, this article does not define causes or deadlines, since it must be regulated later through legislation.
Follow here the progress of the draft of the new Constitution.

Original source in Spanish

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