Lío Pecoraro returns to TV: “It’s going to be very emotional”

Next Sunday, April 3, Lío Pecoraro returns to the screen of Crónica HD with a special program full of surprises. Although the journalist had been doing the cycle “The Run Run of the Show” from his home via streaming, now the day has come to return to the studio and reunite with his co-workers. After taking a few days to relax in Mar del Plata, Pecoraro commented on his return: “The whole panel is going to be there so it’s going to be a very emotional program. There’s going to be a big chat between Fernando and me, then the guys are going to start participating and possibly there’s going to be a big surprise live for the first time on the channel. There are also many things that I personally do not know, because the producer does not want to tell us anything and I think it is fantastic. I love that it’s a second comeback with a lot of surprises,” he explained. On the other hand, Lío was grateful to all the public that supported him during this year. “It’s walking down the street and, when people recognize you, the first thing they say to you is, ‘How good you are, how glad I am. The number of times I prayed for you,'” he said moved. This April 5, it is one year since the bone marrow transplant he received from his sister and about his health he commented: “I am very happy and vaccinated with three doses against covid and vaccinated against the flu. Starting my vaccination schedule because, when you have a transplant, I found out a little while ago, you have to give the vaccines again like a baby,” he said.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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