Together for Change questions the maneuver of the Frente de Todos in the Senate and calls for the intervention of the Supreme Court

In a joint document, the National Table of Together for Change (JxC) ratified that the representatives of the minorities that must be appointed in that body “are those in force at the time of the ruling” of the Court Suprema.La opposition alliance met in the morning through a videoconference to notify the president of the Council of the Magistracy, Horacio Rosatti, regarding the blocs that “must integrate the council and those elected, Senator Luis Juez and Deputy Roxana Reyes.” This position is based on ratifying that the minorities are those in force at the time of the ruling; splitting the bloc represents a deceptive maneuver to fraudulently build a first minority in order to distort the appointment of a councilor, which by right corresponds to the opposition (ratify the concept of Minority at the time of the ruling).”
The National Board of JxC also stated that “with this maneuver it is preventing the Court’s ruling from being operational and inhibiting the Constitution of the Council of the Magistracy.” Given this ‘institutional gravity’, the Court has to intervene urgently by setting the modality and scope for the formation of the Council of the Magistracy,” the opposition alliance said in the document. The head of government of the city of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, had evaluated from Twitter that Kirchnerism intends “a Council of the Magistracy with its own majorities to discipline judges.” They did that with the 2006 reform that reduced the number of judges, lawyers, academics and representatives of the parliamentary opposition, and the Court declared it unconstitutional,” said the head of the Buenos Aires Government. The Court’s ruling is clear: the law that regulated the Council is unconstitutional and we must return to the previous composition to preserve the institutional balance between the estates as indicated in our National Constitution,” he said. Rodríguez Larreta also said that “there is no doubt who these representatives are” before the Council, said that “the distribution is clear and you can not do anything” and maintained that “you can not cheat Democracy.” Meanwhile, the head of the bloc of Deputies of the UCR, Mario Negri, wondered “how many councilors Cristina (Fernández de Kirchner) wants to have in representatives of the Senate”, and it was answered that “three of the four”, a reading that was also exhibited by the head of the PRO bloc in Deputies, Cristian Ritondo, who understood that the intention of the ruling party is “to steal the place of the PRO in the Council of the Magistracy”. The FdT’s caucus of national senators will be transformed into an interbloc with two spaces, one composed of 21 senators and another with 14 members, according to official sources. The interbloc of the ruling party will continue to be called the Frente de Todos and will be made up of two spaces: National and Popular Front and Citizen Unity.
The decision to form an interbloc similar to that constituted by JxC) with the UCR, the PRO and the Civic Coalition was adopted last night jointly by the authorities of the FdT, the senator for Formosa José Mayans and the vice president of the space, Anabel Fernández Sagasti.

Original source in Spanish


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