Cesar Luis Menotti complained about the implementation of VAR: “It bothers me a lot”

The director of National Teams, César Luis Menotti, was against the arrival of VAR in Argentine football and said that “it bothers him a lot when they take a long time to define a play.” In this sense, the former coach of the Argentine National Team world champion in 1978 complained: “The referee has two lines that can help him, I do not understand why they call the VAR, it bothers me that the game is interrupted, especially when they are long interruptions”, during an interview with Radio 10.On the other hand, he analyzed the present of the Argentine team in the face of the World Cup in Qatar and commented:  “A good World Cup is to show what Argentina really is, you can’t win on penalties, you have to fight.”

“The same difficulties we have in the country, we have in football, it is a cultural event, it is a commitment,” he said, adding: “People can get excited, the Argentine National Team is prepared to be champion in Qatar, but in the same way France, Germany is.” In addition, he emphasized the importance of demonstrating a good performance and playing good football: “If you reach the final respecting the objectives that were set at the beginning it is perfect, but if you get there by deviating, that would be very painful.” He also referred to Lionel Scaloni, the coach of the national team: “I didn’t know Scaloni so much, we met with Ayala and Aimar to talk about what the National Team means. A coach needs the guarantee that he will lead until the World Cup, there is Scaloni, the objectives were met and now we need to play a good role in the World Cup.”
In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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