Guasave Red Cross remodeling announced at the beginning of the collection

Guasave, Sinaloa.- The president of the Board of Trustees of the Red Cross Guasave informed during the event of the beginning of the 2022 collection of the Red Cross, that the rehabilitation and expansion of the Emergency service will be carried out, as well as a shock room for which many supplies will be required. Manuel Othón Cruz Burgos said yesterday that they would meet with the architect who will be in charge of the project, to plan how they would proceed with the work. Planning He indicated that the meeting will aim to prevent being affected in the provision of the service, since it is important to have an order of how they will move forward. In the same way, he said that they will be receiving municipal support from the state delegation of the Red Cross, as part of those who will be in charge of the expenses. He explained that the budget that will be needed to carry out this work is approximately 600 thousand pesos.” It is possible that the state government will support us, but it is something uncertain, which we do not know so far,” he acknowledged. He thanked the support of the municipal government for the support that has been provided with fuel and the willingness to ask and manage that the citizens support with 10 pesos for payment of the property. He explained that on May 16 they celebrated the anniversary of the Red Cross, an institution that only came to benefit the inhabitants with its services. He said that in the year they have had 3,010 ambulance services and 29,000 medical attentions.” It sounds easy, but it is a challenge and a great commitment for the institution, that is why we are needing the support of everyone to achieve a dignified Red Cross and provide a cutting-edge service, with trained and dedicated people from the heart, “he said. Cruz Burgos commented that the annual expenditure of the benemérita is 9 and a half million pesos, so it is important that the citizen supports it, since the institute does not have a federal, state or municipal budget, but it is fortunate to have two great allies who know the importance of having a strong and healthy institution, as is the municipal president, Martín Ahumada Quintero, and governor Rubén Rocha Moya.He stressed that on the first day of collection 740 thousand pesos were collected, with the goal of one million 500 thousand pesos for this 2022. Participación Ahumada Quintero said that his brother Everardo Ahumada will donate a fan for the shock room, which usually has a very high cost. He expressed that it is gratifying to be able to help others, so he invites anyone who intends to donate something, to do so. The state delegate of the Red Cross, Carlos Bloch Artola, thanked those who are part of the team of the benemérita, for this great work. He explained that society and government are doing something right, because the Red Cross institution continues to grow. We recommend you read: He affirmed that he made the commitment to put the Red Cross in Sinaloa in the first places in equipment, infrastructure and having the best staff, the most trained. 13 day laborers go from Jalisco to their lands without money, without life

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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