Rosario: Hitmen killed a 15-year-old boy and wounded his partner

According to the first investigations, the two young men were on the public road when a dark colored car passed through the place from which they shot several times. The shots, which according to the first steps of the investigation started from the back of the vehicle, hit Alan Tolosa (15) and a friend identified by his acronym as M.A., 18 years old.” The victim is transferred in the first instance to the Polyclinic ‘San Martín’, being referred to the Emergency Hospital, where he dies shortly after entering as a result of the injuries, “reported today the Regional Prosecutor’s Office Rosario.The other young man suffered injuries to an arm as a result of the shooting, but was out of danger, said sources of the investigation. Tolosa, on the other hand, could not survive the attack, by which the Police are looking for a dark car whose make and model are reserved so as not to hinder the investigation, reported the Prosecutor’s Office.The prosecutor of the case, Ademar Bianchini, requested the survey of the crime scene and the taking of testimonies to relatives of the fatal victim and neighbors in the area. In addition, it was an indication that a survey of public and private security cameras at the scene of the incident was carried out, while the autopsy of the teenager was ordered at the Legal Medical Institute, detailed sources from the Prosecutor’s Office.

Original source in Spanish


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