Armed group enters Jerez bar and kidnaps a person

Zacatecas authorities confirmed the kidnapping of a person inside the premises of a bar located in Jerez.
According to information from the Ministry of Security of the entity, although there were detonations of firearms, no people are reported dead or injured after the kidnapping of the man.

Federal, state and municipal authorities have intensified the routes and actions to deter crime in #Jerez.
The preliminary report of the fact is that armed men entered a bar in the Central Zone and deprived a male person of his liberty.
— @ssp_zac (@voceria_spz) June 18, 2022

Local media reported that during the early hours of this Saturday, detonations were heard in the heart of Jerez.

🚨⚠️During the early morning of this Saturday heavily armed civilians broke into the municipality of #Jerez Zacatecas as “Juan for his house” clashed with their antagonists and raised a man who was in a bar 🆘⚠️
— Reporter Angel Martinez (🐤) (@JOSEANGELMART18) June 18, 2022

Although the first versions affirm that the armed group took three people, the authorities have not given more details of the fact.

⚠️This morning heavily armed men entered a bar in Jerez, Zacatecas, and forcibly took away several people.
The first hours of this Saturday, clashes were reported in different parts of the municipal capital.
— Paco Elizondo Oficial (@pacoelizondo_1) June 18, 2022

Zacatecas is one of the entities that has registered an increase in violence despite the fact that since November 2021, Governor David Monreal requested support from federal forces to mitigate murders, shootings and the abandonment of corpses on public roads.
The state is disputed territory by organized crime groups, such as the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJGN).
According to an IMCO report, the crime of kidnapping has been increasing in the state, almost double that in the rest of the states in the country.
According to a report by the Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights (CMDPDH), 3,500 people have left their homes due to violence.
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Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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