Pedro Castillo invites leaders to a meeting to talk about migration in the region: President Gabriel Boric is one of the guests

The president of Peru, Pedro Castillo, invited his peers from Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia and Chile to analyze the migration crisis that has affected the region in recent years.
“We are going to hold an event as a whole to see an urgent issue that is the migration issue. It is an issue that concerns us all,” Castillo said at a Council of Ministers held in the city of Tacna (border with Chile).
At the meeting, he said that “I invoke my brother presidents to hold this meeting in Peru,” without clarifying the date of the meeting.
Venezuelan migration
Meanwhile, the representative of UNHCR -UN agency for refugees-, Federico Luis Agusti, said on Radio RPP of Peru that the Inca country is the second country in the world with the largest migrant population from Venezuela, with about 1.3 million refugees and migrants, surpassed only by Colombia (1.8 million).
He also stressed that Venezuelan migration is the second largest in the world with six million people displaced since Nicolás Maduro came to power in 2013, these numbers are only going up.

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Etiquetas: Chile

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