The final of the Copa Sudamericana will be played at the Mario Kempes

Conmebol decided to change venue for the final of the Copa Sudamericana. In this way, the match agreed for October 1 will be held at the Mario Kempes Stadium in the City of Córdoba.At first, the final was going to be played at the Mané Garrincha stadium, in Brasilia. However, the governing body of continental football accepted a request from the Brazilian authorities since the next day (Sunday 2) the general elections will be held in that country.

In this way, Conmebol decided to change the place and through a statement explained that “The South American Conmebol is an increasingly consolidated tournament in the continent and with growing global impact. The sustained increase in prizes for participating clubs and winners, the increasing reach of broadcasts and the high level of competition of the teams are factors that show the expansion of this continental tournament.” In the Mario Kempes Stadium a final has already been held. It was the defining match of the Copa Sudamericana in 2020 when They faced Defensa y Justicia against Lanús, the first victorious result. 
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