Google Arts & Culture celebrates Frida Kahlo’s birth month

This Wednesday, July 6, marks the 115th anniversary of the birth of Frida Kahlo, the Mexican artist who throughout her life came to create 150 works, mostly based on her own, complex life. Since she was a child her health was somewhat fragile, at the age of six she contracted polio, which led to other conditions, injuries and operations. After spending 9 months in bed he was left with a permanent sequelae: the right leg much thinner than the left. Then came the accident that marked his life, when while traveling in a bus, the vehicle was hit by a tram and was crushed against a wall. As a result of the strong impact, Frida suffered the rupture of her spine in three parts, also suffering fractures in two ribs, in the collarbone and three in the pelvic bone. At the same time his right leg fractured into eleven parts, and his right foot dislocated. The artist underwent 32 operations throughout her life, due to this accident. Prior to this event, Frida had never expressed any interest in painting, despite the long periods she had to be prostrate, led her to venture into this art, which would later become a cultural icon and one of the most representative of her country. That is why in the month of his birth, from Google Arts & Culture they bring different proposals to know his life, his history and his art. In what way? For example, the search engine allows you to take a virtual tour of the Frida Kahlo Museum and get to know her works and her house.

The museum, better known as La Casa Azul, is a building dating back to 1904, and is the place diego Rivera and Frida called home and filled with color, folk art and pre-Hispanic pieces, to show their admiration for the peoples and cultures of Mexico. The museum can be toured through Street View from the website or by downloading the app available for Android and iOS. 

On the platform you can also find the collection Caras de Frida, which compiles an analysis of the life, art, love and legacy of this artist through the eyes of experts and those who were inspired by her talent. The development of this project included the participation of 33 organizations from 7 countries and collects more than 800 pieces, 20 images taken with the Art Camera, and 5 tours in Street View. In addition, it has personal photographs, letters, diaries, costumes and accessories of Frida.This collection allows to know aspects of her personal life, such as how her health influenced her work and her inspiration through the eyes of experts. It is also possible to see the realization of a work of art based on the legacy of Frida Kahlo through the brush of Alexa Meade and starring the Mexican singer, Ely Guerra.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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