You know, Mr President – The Counter

You know, Mr. President, that we admire you for the “dedazo a Pinochet”, leading the NO campaign, saying no to President Bush in his war in Iraq, offering diplomatic relations “here and now” to Bolivia. We even admire his memory to be a lawyer on “The concentration of economic power in Chile”. You know, Mr President, that we suffered with you in the first round with Lavin when you ‘heard the voice of the people’ (that of the people, not that of the elite) and celebrated together in the second.
You know, Mr President, that the Constitution of ’80 we have wanted to replace (NOT modify) since it came into force. You encouraged us to do that, Mr President.
You know, Mr President, that the exit plebiscite of 4 September is the most important election since the Yes and No plebiscite of 1988. You, more than you know, Mr President, that we expect our political leaders to take sides in some of the options at stake. It is difficult to understand one who does not do so or who makes his option known very close to the election, when it no longer has electoral effect.
You know, Mr. President, that it would be an extravagance for a constitutional project to generate consensus (is there one in the world that generates consensus?). The only thing certain, President, and you know this very well, is that this Constitution was drafted by the constituents elected by the citizenry and all the norms were approved, at least, by 2/3 of the constituents (it is difficult to find a higher standard at the international level). The rest, Mr President, are interpretations of the polls.
You know, Mr. President, that the U.S. Constitution, the Chilean Constitution of ’25 and many others have been resisted at the time of entry into force. After a while, they have become everyone’s home. I ask you, Mr President, why do you not trust that what happened with the Constitution of ’25 cannot also happen with this constitutional project and become everyone’s home?

You know, Mr. President, that the name of the Judiciary, the integration and powers of the Council of Justice, the parliamentary initiative in the laws of presidential concurrence, asymmetric bicameralism, the sources of financing of the regions, etc., are technical issues of care, but they are not the most important thing. The most important thing is to leave behind the Pinochet Constitution, with a Constitution whose origin has been impeccably democratic and its technical standards, although perfectible, have passed the test of recognized international specialists, such as the Venice Commission.
You know better than anyone, Mr President, that there is no certainty that if the Rejection wins, agreement will be reached to change the Constitution of ’80. The historic opportunity is now. The rest are good intentions… it’s music, said someone out there, Mr President. You know, Mr President, that politics is fickle and today’s agreements can vanish tomorrow. Do you, Mr. President, remember the promises that were made about the senators-designate?
You know, Mr. President, that there is no concrete project of the right, neither of Amarillos por Chile, nor of any of those who call to “reject to reform” to modify the current Constitution. None. You know, Mr. President, that approving the 4/7 to modify the Constitution does not ensure that proposals for the necessary change of the Constitution will be presented (or approved). You know, Mr. President, that the right wing controls 50% of Congress. Why have we not seen these proposals, Mr President?

You know, Mr President, that with your letter you became the main ally of respectable citizens such as Cristián Warnken, Ignacio Briones, Mario Desbordes, Mariana Aylwin, Andrés Velasco. All great citizens, but not, necessarily, great promoters of the transformations that you taught us, from your memory to be a lawyer, which were fundamental to develop the country. You know, Mr President, that with regard to the draft new Constitution, your opinion is not far from the opinion of illustrious representatives of the right.
You know, Mr President, that a Social Democrat colleague of yours, Tony Blair, decided to ally himself on the right in the iraq war. I do not have to inform you, Mr President, that there is no Labour party today who wants to approach the former prime minister. He continues to insist that it was okay to have supported the war, but “he-knows-that-we-all-know-that-he-knows” that that’s not true.
You know, Mr President, that, despite all, we wish you the best.

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