Pilar: A woman killed her 7-year-old daughter

A woman stabbed her 7-year-old daughter to death in a house in the Buenos Aires party of Pilar and, after the attack, she was seriously injured while trying to commit suicide, judicial and police sources reported today. It all began when the girl’s father, identified as Cristian Rebelli, who works as a waiter at the Jockey Club of San Isidro, tried to communicate with his partner and, unable to do so, asked his brother to come to his home. The man arrived and found the house closed, so he waited for the arrival of his brother Cristian to enter, at which time they found the victims, identified by the Police as Jimena Beatriz Toral (35) and Jade Estrella Rebelli (7), totally bloodied. The girl was vanished in a bed, so her father rushed her to the Meisner hospital in Derqui, where she finally died a few minutes later from the injuries she sustained. For her part, Toral had a deep cut on her neck and was transferred to the Sanguinetti de Pilar hospital, where she underwent surgery and this afternoon remained hospitalized in serious condition. According to sources, the woman attacked her own daughter with a knife while her husband worked in San Isidro and then attempted suicide. The investigations ruled out that the victims had been assaulted in the framework of a robbery, since the accesses to the property were not violated. They were also able to corroborate that Rebelli entered to work at the Jockey Club in the morning and that she retired at 13.30.For her part, the investigators established that the aggressor suffered from psychiatric problems, following the death of her parents due to Covid-19, and that she had suicidal tendencies, police sources reported.
Staff of the 2nd police station. de Pilar and the Scientific Police carried out the corresponding expert reports at the scene of the crime under the directives of the prosecutor Germán Camafreita Stefich, who currently subrogates the Functional Unit of Instruction (UFI) 2 decentralized in that jurisdiction and legally qualified the cause as “homicide aggravated by the link”. In principle, the investigations established that the girl had no signs of defense, so one of the hypotheses is that she was assaulted in a surprising way. 

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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