The Jewish Problem

“THE JEWISH PROBLEM” is the title of the very important study carried out by Mr. Alfonso Castro and edited by Editorial Actualidad, which begins by saying: “There is a social problem of Judaism in the world, caused by the so-called Jewish race. Today, despite studies and disclosures on the subject, millions affirm it and millions deny it outright. The first to deny it are the Jews themselves, who say the problem has been artificially created by anti-Jews envious of the Hebrew rise and aggrandizement, or by racial and religious prejudices. There are, however, a considerable number of Jewish writers who acknowledge the existence of the problem, although they attribute it to very different causes. Theodor Herzl, the apostle of Zionism, says: “The Jewish question still stands, foolish out of denying it; the Jewish question exists practically everywhere Jews reside in perceptible numbers; where it did not yet exist, it is imposed by the Jews in the course of their runs. It is natural that we move to places where we are not persecuted, but once there, our presence also provokes persecutions. It is the infamous Judaism that now introduces anti-Semitism into England. Elaborating on the same concepts and acknowledging the existence of the problem, the Jewish writer Oscar Levy says: “There is no race in the world more enigmatic or more fatal, and therefore more interesting, than the Jewish race. The Jewish question and its influence on the past and the present, and the anxiety it arouses in the future, reach everything and should be elucidated by the treatisers with all sincerity, even in spite of the great difficulties and complexity of the matter and the special characteristic of individuals of this race… In the preface to the work entitled “The International Jew”, by the well-known American industrialist Henry Ford we read the following: “The Jewish question relates not only to the facts of the public domain, such as financial and commercial predominance, assault on public power, monopolization of all the necessities of life, arbitrary influence on the press of a country, but it penetrates into the cultural life of peoples, thus becoming a problem for nations. From the vast material of collected facts…, it is with astonishing clarity that there is no country in the whole world, whose political, economic and cultural development, which could be fully understood, if not from the point of view of its absolute dependence on a coherent plan of Judaism for its universal predominance. No country in the world should indulge in the illusion of assuming itself free of Jewish influences because it lacks visible Synagogues or Hebrew colonies. Stock exchange, parliament, press are everywhere the creators of the Jewish spirit.

Original source in Spanish

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