Guasave collectives ask for help to find the disappeared

Guasave, Sinaloa.- Collectives in Guasave, made up mostly of women looking for their children, husbands, brothers and loved ones, ask to be helped with a clue and information that allows them to find the disappeared. Through the portal Colectivo Guasave “Tracking your footprints”, and Rastreadoras Guasave, images and data of those currently sought are released. Men Éver Jovani Sánchez Urías, a resident of Los Angeles del Triunfo, disappeared at the age of 26.
It is specified that he has tattoos with the legends “Sánchez”, “Éver” and “Eduardo”. Among the particular signs it is established that he measures 1.72 meters, is brown hair and has light brown eyes. The last time he was seen he was wearing jeans, a black T-shirt and wearing red sneakers. Mauro Guadalupe Valenzuela Higuera, a resident of the Lomas del Mar neighborhood, disappeared on June 21, 2022. He was last seen in the settlement in question and his whereabouts have since been unknown. José Armenta Vázquez is another of the Guasavenses that make up the extensive list, his last telephone connection was in Cabo San Lucas. He disappeared at the age of 32 on July 4, 2021. This year As for disappearances of women, nothing is known about the whereabouts of Amparo Higuera Germán and Carla Oriana Salmón Higuera, reported missing on July 2 of this year. According to the official date when the Alba protocol was activated, mother and daughter were last seen at approximately 5:00 p.m. on July 2, at the home located in the Fresnos neighborhood. If you know his whereabouts, please call 800-890-90-92 and 667-716-70-90. We recommend you read: Contacts The Guasave Collective “Tracking your Footprints” gives the telephone number 687-167-85-86, and in the collective Rastreadoras de Guasave you can send a message to Facebook. Degree in Communication Sciences from the Universidad de Occidente, Campus Guasave, with a specialty in Educational Communication when carrying out a pedagogical leveling. She joined the newspaper EL DEBATE on January 10, 2012 as a reporter for the newspaper La i in the local section, where she stayed until April 2017.That year she began as a general reporter in the newspaper EL DEBATE, assigned to cover local, police, social, culture and sports. She currently collaborates in the advertising area as a host of live broadcasts (Streaming) for commercial clients. Prior to the incursion into the written press, she was an instructor of Initial Education at the National Council for Educational Development (Conafe), announcer of a digital radio program called Pop Radio Mas. Hobbies: Organizing events, painting, creating accessories and visiting magical towns. Course Photography course at the School of Arts of Los Mochis Theater course by the University of the West Photography workshop taught by the guasavense Manuel Alvarado Photoshop course See more

Original source in Spanish


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