Government repudiates aggression against Simón Boric and three officials of the U. of Chile: “We found it very serious”

The minister of the General Secretariat of the Presidency (Segpres), Giorgio Jackson, described as “very serious” the group aggression against the press chief of the University of Chile, Simón Boric -brother of President Gabriel Boric- and three other officials of the house of studies.
“We learned of this situation that we find very serious, the President is aware and as soon as we have more details we can deliver some more concrete information, beyond repudiating this aggression to four officials of the U of Chile,” said Minister Jackson.
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Asked about more details of the case, the head of the Segpres indicated that “I have no more background to provide, as soon as we have more information we can communicate it.”
According to a statement from the U. of Chile, the events occurred outside the Central House of the house of studies, “after one of them incremented them about an attempt to loot a nearby premises, involving the other three people who came to his defense.”
The most affected turned out to be Simón Boric, who was transferred to a care center to verify injuries. President Boric went to the Clinical Hospital of the University of Chile to visit him.
The other three people who were assaulted are “Francisca Palma, communications coordinator; Jorge Baeza and Raúl Roa, both officials of Casa Central,” said the U. of Chile.

According to Carabineros, four people have been arrested for the attack. One of them is 19 years old, with a history of burning a bus in Central Station; the others are 33, 23 and 19 years old.

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Etiquetas: Chile

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