Exconventional Monckeberg (RN) and new constituent process: “If we maintain or create the same system we will have similar results”

Four days after the resounding victory of the Rejection over the Approval, the form that the new constituent process will have continues to be configured. The issue has been discussed by the various political parties, some want another Convention and others dismiss it completely.
For his part, the former RN convention, Cristián Monckeberg, remarked that “doing the same: similar results”.
In conversation with Radio Universo, Monckeberg admitted that “I hear in private that everyone says ‘no, we do not want a new Convention’, side by side. It’s good to start clearing it up and saying it. Former President Lagos pointed it out, Alberto Mayol, Alejandra Matus. It is clear that if we maintain or create the same system as there was, we will have similar results.”
On whether or not he agrees with this mechanism, the former parliamentarian indicated that “in a nutshell, as it is today, I do not think it is convenient. It may be a Convention with a commission of experts who have the right to decide and to vote, that another group is chosen by lot. There are different formulas.”
“If we have a Convention with lists of independents and the only difference is that instead of having a year it will last six months, and instead of 154 members it will have 100, it will be more or less similar,” he said.
In his opinion, the solution is to look for other formulas. “If we want to reach a good port, because another little number and continue in this I do not think that the citizenship will endure, looking for alternatives does not entangle me at all, we have to start saying it.”
Faced with the criticism of independent sectors for a “kitchen”, Monckeberg said that “everything is cooking, if the proposed Constitution was also cooked and by the chosen Convention and a kitchen of those, if there was no record left. And it was a kitchen with a few just, we stayed from the outside watching through the window how they cooked.”

“If there are people elected, legitimized and debated behind open doors, with minutes, how good that that turns out. Now, how to incorporate the independents, can be formulas that the Convention itself, once elected, incorporates them, proportionally to the forces that were elected, “he concluded.

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