They asked to circulate with caution due to intense snowfall in the Nahuel Huapi National Park

The authorities of the Nahuel Huapi National Park requested to travel with extreme caution in the area. This warning is due to the heavy snowfall that will affect the region of the Rio Negro mountain range during this weekend. In addition, they advised to “be attentive and inform yourself about the possible closure of trails and areas, since the Closed or Open state of the roads may vary according to the weather conditions of the moment.” The Park recalled that “to go out to the mountain it is mandatory to make the Single Trekking Registration at least 48 hours before”. Likewise, the authorities insisted on taking into account “the importance of avoiding outdoor activities, ensuring the elements that can be blown, not taking refuge under trees, poles or electricity cables.” They also suggested consulting the Argentine Naval Prefecture (PNA) on the state of the ports and navigation before going out to sail, and “check the conditions of the vehicle: antifreeze, chains, lights, the height of the car and the road to travel.” Low temperatures and frosts leave large patches of ice that are not visible, but can be fatal. Caution should be exercised in places of shadows on the routes as they have black ice,” they reported. Finally, they warned that in the face of a strong snow storm it is recommended “not to go out” and “be attentive to the closure of circuits, roads and paths due to the accumulation of snow.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Argentina

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