Collective calls for legal abortion for trans people

For dignity, anger and to be able to choose about their pregnant and menstruating bodies, trans and non-binary people took to the streets of Mexico City and last Wednesday joined the march to demand a legal, safe and free abortion throughout the country.
Gathered at the foot of the Glorieta de las Mujeres que Luchan, members of the Juntrans collective came out for the first time to demand that LGBTTTIAQ diversity be included in sexual and reproductive rights.
Under the slogan “Neither of the Church, nor the cis-norm, biology, nor the nation, my body is mine and mine alone and only mine the decision”, the small contingent advanced on Paseo de la Reforma Avenue towards the Zócalo capital. Holding hands and waving the flags of their identity, the protesters achieved something previously thought impossible: to be part of the struggle for abortion.

With banners that read that abortion is for pregnant and menstruating people, Vera, who identifies as a non-binary person, reproached that in the field of health there is also discrimination against sexual diversities.
PHOTO: Montserrat Sánchez
Read: “The fight is for everyone”: the green tide takes to the streets of Mexico again to demand a legal and safe abortion

“In these mobilizations it is sometimes forgotten that trans men and non-binary people are also crossed. There are still many women who, by invalidating our existence and identity, exclude us from a struggle that is also ours,” said the young woman, while carrying a sign with the legend “Abort your terfism.”
Hand in hand with his girlfriend, Vera walked as his contingent passed. At times he would take the black blanket with the name of the collective and smile as he watched the march go by, which took place within the framework of the Global Day of Action for a legal and safe abortion.
“We are also marching against hatred, against transphobia, against discrimination. Today we come out to claim that abortion is not only for cisgender women,” Vera said.
PHOTO: Montserrat Sánchez
“I am a pregnant body”
Wearing a green scarf on his left arm and the white flag with pink on his right, Mauro led the contingent like a trans man with a vulva demanding his right to abortion.
“Enough of the fact that they want to take away spaces in which we too must be. This struggle is for and for everyone, everyone with the ability to gestate and who wish to decide about their life, their body, their future,” the protester said.
With a megaphone he carried from Juárez Avenue and 5 de Mayo Street, during the march in Mexico City to demand a legal and safe abortion for trans people, Mauro and his fellow fighters chanted the slogan “Pregnant body, menstruating body, my right to abortion is not erased by my identity.”
“We want our voice to be heard, we want to be present, the diversities must not be below or in the shade,” Mauro said, as he held hands with his teammates, in a sign that they are determined to never fight alone again.
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Original source in Spanish


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