Five provinces recorded active forest fires

According to the National Fire Management Service (SNMF), the provinces of Jujuy, Salta, San Luis, Córdoba and Entre Ríos registered active forest firesIn Córdoba, active igneous foci are registered in the departments of Pocho (La Mudana), Río IV (Ruta n 36 km 623) and Santa María (Monte Ralo). In San Luis, the fires are located in the departments of Chacabuco (Lote Aguas Blancas), Pueyrredón (La Punta – Tender 2) and Belgrano (Los Canales), while the flames in Pringles (Balde de la Isla) are controlled and in Chacabuco (San Isidro) contained. Also, according to the agency under the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, in the Salta department of Rosario de Lema (Campo Quijano 1-2) active fires are reported. For its part, in Jujuy active igneous foci are detected in the departments of Valle Grande (Yerba Buena), and the foci in the areas of Ledesma (Rastrojo) and San Pedro are controlled. In Tucumán, the igneous foci are in the departments of Tafí Viejo (Route 9), San Pedro de Colalao (Ceferino Namuncurá), Burruyacú (Route 304) and Monteros (Route 307 km 4) are controlled. In addition, in Santa Fe, the flames in the department of San Jerónimo (Papelillo) were controlled. In Catamarca, the fires in the department of Pomán (Piedra Parada) are contained, while the foci in Paclín (Las Higuerillas) and Fray Mamerto Esquiú (El Bife) were extinguished. Finally, in Mendoza the fires detected in the department of General Alvear (Puente Paso La Arena) are controlled and in La Mantia contained.

Original source in Spanish

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