Shooting in Zapopan in October Festivities leaves two dead and two injured

In Zapopan, Jalisco, it was reported that a shooting during the celebration of the October Festivities left two people injured and two dead.
According to a statement from the Municipal Police of Zapopan, the aggression occurred on Mariano Bárcenas Avenue S / N and Club Guadalajara Col. Auditorium.
The document mentions that “outside the palenque several firearm detonations were heard, so when going to verify two injured men were located.”

In the October Festivities there are not only first class concerts for all tastes and ages, they are a space for reunion, to live with family or friends unique moments, full of joy and emotion, but above all, of tradition to the #EstiloJalisco.
— Enrique Alfaro (@EnriqueAlfaroR) October 18, 2022

Read: Robbery attempt unleashes shootout in CDMX shopping center; There is one dead and one wounded
After the shooting in the October festivities, authorities said that medical services personnel attended, who continue to gather more information.

“The 35-year-old male who was in the Old Civil Hospital died because of the injuries he presented, so the Public Ministry Agent was made aware indicating that personnel of the Jalisco Institute of Forensic Sciences are responsible for the transfer and lifting of the bodies,” the statement said.
In addition, it is detailed that the second of the deceased was a 19-year-old man, who died outside the palenque.
Photo: Cuartoscuro
So far, the governor of Jalisco, Enrique Alfaro, has not given more details of the shooting that occurred during the October Festivities.
On October 2, there was a shootout in the commercial area of Zapopan that left one person dead and six injured.
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Original source in Spanish


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